Offering a recipe for delicious and diet cookies

Hello everyone! Today we present to you crispy cookies with immense taste. To prepare it, we need the following ingredients, and the preparation of which turns out to be very quick, tasty, octagonal and why not attractive.

It will take very little time to make crispy cookies.


  • 4 egg whites
  • 0.5 t/g of salt
  • 300 g of powdered sugar
  • 150 g cashews
  • 150 g of ordinary Armenian walnuts
  • 150 g of dried black plums (fresh)
  • 30 ml of chocolate sauce

Method of preparation:

    First, you need to carefully separate the white from the yolk and pour it into a dry bowl (not a drop of water). Beat with a mixer for about 5 minutes. Then gradually add powdered sugar and continue mixing until a solid mass is obtained. Grind the walnuts so that the pieces are not too small. After grinding, add meringue and carefully mix with a spoon, add fresh and soft plums.

    Using two spoons, spread the meringue on the greaseproof paper and transfer to the oven (150 degrees), or 300 F, leave for 30 minutes. After removing from the oven, wait for some time until it cools down. In the meantime, you should melt the chocolate on steam and sprinkle it on the biscuits, add chopped nuts or any kind of nuts to the chocolate. Serve with 1 cup of coffee. You have the S & A recipe with you.

    Bon Appetit.


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