Hello everyone! Today we present to you the preparation of pizza with pepperoni and cheese, which is very tasty and fragrant.
- 2.5 cups of warm water (warmer than naked)
- 2 tsp sugar
- 2 tbsp active dry yeast
- 1 cup of flour
How to prepare active yeast:
We will take sugar, dry yeast, flour, lukewarm water. It is necessary to dissolve all together in water, close it with food film, make 1-2 holes on it. It should be left for 20-30 minutes. Until bubbles appear on the surface.

We will take a large bowl and fill it with 7 cups of sifted flour, make a well in the middle by adding 1 tbsp of salt, olive oil and the mixture of blooming mature yeast, and 1 cup of lukewarm water. Mix until we get a soft and crumbly dough. After that we will take it out on a clean table and knead it for 10-15 minutes. The dough should be elastic and smooth. Cover the bowl with olive oil and put the dough in it, cover it with food film and a towel. It should be left for 1-24 hours, which depends on the room temperature. After the dough comes together, we will knead the dough once more for 1-2 minutes, we will give the dough a round shape, and we will divide it into 4 parts. Cover the face with olive oil and leave for 30 minutes. We will get 4 large pizza dough.

- 7 cups of flour
- 150 ml of vegetable oil (preferably 7-8 tbsp of olive oil)
- 1 tbeaspoon of salt
- 1 cup of lukewarm water
- 1/4 cup flour for dusting the table
Pizza should be cooked under 450F in a preheated oven for 13-15 minutes. The pizza cooked on the stone is much tastier, for which the pizza stone must be preheated in the oven. We will open the dough by hand on a baking sheet, cover the bottom with flour and quickly arrange the spices on it. Slide the pizza and put it in the gas oven on the stone. If you don’t have the stone, you can cook it on the stove.
- 230 g of tomato sauce
- 100g grated mozzarella cheese
- pepperoni
- 50g of olives
- 30 g of Parmesan shredded cheese
You can see the details in the video. Dear followers, subscribe to our YouTubbe channel and Facebook pages to be informed about our upcoming recipes. Write your opinion in the comments.