Apricot Jam Roll

Hi everyone and welcome to our blog. Today we are going to bake really easy and very delicious apricot jam roll. The baking process is super quick and we do not need many ingredients. Very simple but delicious at the same time. I am sure you will love it, so let’s get started with the process.

For this Jam Roll we will need

  • 4 large eggs, separated and at room temperature
  • 32 g powdered sugar, sifted, plus extra for dusting
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • 2 tbsp. granulated sugar
  • 8 tbsp. flour
  • Apricot Jam

First preheat the oven to 350 F. Line the bottom of a 15-x-10-inch jelly roll pan with parchment paper. Spray a baking oil on top of the pan and the parchment paper.

In a large bowl, whip the egg whites with the salt first on low speed until foamy, then increase the speed to high and pour in the granulated sugar, whipping until the whites hold a medium peak.

Place the egg yolks and powdered sugar in a large, separate bowl and whip until the yolks have doubled in volume and hold a ribbon when the whip is lifted, about 4 minutes. Whip in the vanilla.

Sift half of the flour into the yolk mixture and fold in using a whisk, then fold in half of the whipped egg whites. Repeat with the remaining flour, and then change to a spatula to fold in the last of the whites until evenly incorporated.

Spread the batter into the prepared pan, taking the time to ensure the batter is level.

Bake the cake for about 12 minutes, until the cake springs back when gently pressed in the center.

Let the cake cool for about 2 minutes on a cooling rack, then loosen the sides with a spatula. Sift a layer of powdered sugar over the surface of a clean tea towel. Quickly invert the cake on the towel, removing the pan it was baked in. Peel off the parchment paper. Roll the cake up and let it cool completely (cooling it rolled sets its “memory” so the cake won’t crack once filled).

Once cooled, stir the apricot jam to soften. Unroll the cake and spread an even layer of jam over the cake. Roll the cake back up again, cover with a plastic wrap and refrigerate for an հour. Dust the top with icing powder before serving.

Well, I hope you will enjoy this amazing roll! And if you haven’t done so, go and subscribe to our YouTube channel, by clicking here . Additionally, visit us on Facebook and Instagram.

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