Beetroot Salad

Red beets have a special place in our daily diet. They are rich in mineral salts and dietary fiber, which makes them superior to other vegetables.

About the nutritional value of beets:

Red beets contain a unique substance – betaine, which has the property of improving the body’s metabolism. The potassium and calcium contained in beets have a beneficial effect on heart function. And the most important feature is that even when stored for a long time, beets retain their beneficial properties.


  • 3 beets
  • 20 grams of walnuts
  • 3 sprigs of dill
  • 4 tablespoons of 0live oil
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 05 tsp black pepper

Add chopped walnuts, dill, olive oil and season with salt and black pepper to the previously grated beets. Mix the ingredients and serve.

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