Delicious Doughnuts inspired by the Armenian tricolor flag

Thank you for visiting to today’s blog. Today I am bringing to you another delicious doughnuts recipe filled with our Armenia’s flag’s, tricolor cream. The idea came from my grandchild, as he missed his dad a lot. These doughnuts were a way to bringing his mood up a little bit, and remind all of us, once again, that we are going to win!

So, without a further ado let’s get started:

For the dough we will need the following ingredients:

  • 350 ml lukewarm milk
  • 1 tbsp dry yeast
  • 2 tbsp of sugar
  • 3 tbsp of vegetable oil
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 tsp of vanilla
  • 600-700g flour

We will start by activating the yeast. Take the yeast, add the sugar then gradually add the lukewarm milk, while whisking to combine. After everything is combined cover it with plastic food wrap and put it aside for 15 minutes.

After 15 minutes, when the yeast has been activated add the vegetable oil, egg and vanilla. Whisk everything together, then gradually add the flour, knead until you get soft, elastic dough․ Cover the dough with a plastic wrap and put aside the kneaded dough for about 2 hours in a room temperature. After the two hours the mass should be doubled in size.

While we wait for the dough, let’s prepare the cream. We will be using:

For the cream we will need:

  • 2 cups of sugar
  • 8 tbsp of flour
  • 2 cups of boiled water
  • 150 g of butter
  • 9 g of vanilla
  • food dye of red, blue, and yellow colors

In a pot start mixing the sugar, flour, vanilla and the butter. Then gradually add the water, while continuing to mix. Then put the pot on the stove and cook under medium temperature until you get condensed mass․

Now separate the mass to three equal parts. For the red add 4-6 drops of red food dye and mix. I recommend adding one drop at a time, as well as you can add more or less drops depending on what what shade you want to get. Similarly add 4-8 drops of the blue dye and again you can increase or decrease the drops based on the shade you want to have. Now for the orange I used 1:3 ratio of red and yellow food dyes respectively.

After the dough has doubled in size, divide it to 20 small parts. On each of the ten layers pipe the colors in order, then cover with the second layer.

Pour oil into a large heavy-duty pot set over medium heat and heat the oil to 375°F (191°C). Add 2-3 doughnuts at a time and cook for 1 minute on each side. Put the doughnuts on a paper towel to drain the oil.

Cover the doughnuts with sugar powder and you are ready to serve.

More detailed process you can find in the video. Make sure to let us know about your thoughts on the recipe. Hopefully you will enjoy is as much as we did.

The recipe is also available in English, Russian and Armenian.

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