How to Make Mozzarella Cheese

Hello everyone welcome back to S & A’s Recipes blog. Today we are presenting you with how to make homemade mozzarella! It is super easy to make and only needs two ingredients. You’ll get a super delicious stretchy, melty, and elastic mozzarella. First, you will need unpasteurized, homemade non-homogenized fresh milk.

Then, we will heat the milk in a large saucepan until we get our desired temperature, which will be 140°F, which is the same as 60°C. If you don’t have a thermometer at home, you can also check with your finger. You should feel very warm, but you can still keep your finger in the milk and not burn yourself.

At this point, turn off the heat and add the vinegar. For 5 L of milk, I used 10 tablespoons of white vinegar. You might need to add more or less depending on the quality of the milk. Continue adding the vinegar until the whey becomes yellowish in color and the curd completely separates. Continue mixing and collecting the curd until a single lump is formed.

Then, we can move to the second phase, which will be stretching the mozzarella and making it homogenous and elastic. Place the curd into the microwave for 30 seconds, then mix it and repeat until you reach 160°F, which is 74°C. Also, I’ll be sharing a little secret of how to get the perfect curd and perfect mozzarella in this process, so please watch the video, which will be linked below.

Afterward, we are going to transfer the mozzarella into the cold water, gradually making the water colder. Place in regular cold water for 10 minutes, then add ice and leave for another five minutes.

We can wrap it with plastic food wrap and store it in the fridge for about a week, or we can use it right away. I hope you make it and enjoy the recipe.


  • 5 liter unpasteurized, non-homogenized milk
  • 10 tbsp vinegar

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