Pork Chops with Brown Sugar Bourbon, apple sauce, mashed potatoes and Brussel Sprouts

Hello everyone, it’s S & A recipes are with you. Today we are going to make a dish from Asian cuisine with its Apple sauce, Pork chops, scallop mashed potatoes and Brussel Sprouts.

We will prepare this wonderful dish for 2 portions. We need the following components:


  • 300 g potatoes
  • 230 g Brussels sprouts
  • 1 apple
  • 2 large green onions/scallions
  • 300 g of pork tenderloin
  • 11 g brown spice with bourbon
  • 1 box of chicken broth concentrate
  • 2 tbsp sour cream
  • 1 tbsp butter


  1. Wash the potatoes well and cut them into small pieces. Pour into a saucepan, and add enough water to cover the top. The water should be 1 cm above the potatoes. Pour 0.5 tsp salt on it. It should be cooked for 15-20 minutes. Then drain the water part out, keep in the pot and mash it. Pour 1tbsp butter-50 g, 2 tbsp sour cream, pepper, chopped green onion and salt to taste.
  2. Brussel Sprouts wash well and dry with a paper towel. Pour into a bowl, season with salt, vegetable oil and pepper. Put a little vegetable oil in the oven jar, and our some over the sprouts, to give crispiness. And divide each sprout into 2 parts beforehand. Put the oven at 425 F cook for 20-25 minutes.
  3. Wash the meat and dry it, then season it with brown sugar bourbon. Leave for a few minutes. Then add vegetable oil to the bottom of the pan and fry on both sides for 4-6 minutes.
  4. Chop 2 large green onions. Fry the white part, pour the green part on the boiled potato, and keep the rest to decorate.
  5. Take 1 red apple. Divide it into layers, cut into cubes. Pour 20-30 g of vegetable oil in a pan with 20-30 g of butter, when it is hot, add the apples, white scallions, black pepper and salt to taste, stir constantly for 5-7 minutes until caramelized, then add the fried meat. Leave for 2 minutes, then lay in the serving plate.
  6. Bon Appetit.
  7. Video:
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