Шоколадный торт с манго Март 15, 2021Июль 30, 2023админ Recipe: Method of preparation: Mix 40 g of cocoa with 120 g of flour, add 1 teaspoon of baking powder, pour into a
Жареная курица с картофелем и греческим салатом. Март 11, 2021Июль 30, 2023админ Hello everyone! Today we will present to you a chicken pan with potatoes in the oven and a Greek salad. We need the
Греческий овощной салат. Март 10, 2021Июль 30, 2023админ Hello everyone! Today we will present you a healthy and beautiful Greek salad with vegetables, which is a healthy and useful salad for
Морковный пирог Март 9, 2021Июль 30, 2023админ We present to you a great recipe from S & A, which is extremely tasty and interesting, not repeated. Dough recipe: I Pre-heat
Cake "Spartak" Март 8, 2021Июль 30, 2023админ Today we will present you a layered dough, which is very beautiful, fragile and full of aroma. Cake: “Spartak”. Which many of us
Хрустящая рыба фри Март 6, 2021Июль 30, 2023админ Prepare the sauce: Preparation of fish: Preparation should be done at high temperature. Mix the ingredients with the sauce and put in the
Овощной салат с овощами Март 6, 2021Июль 31, 2023админ Hello everyone! Today we present to you a vegetable salad with vegetables, which is refreshing, tasty and healthy. Recipe for the sauce Mix
Рубленая вырезка бараньей ноги. С Гремолатой Март 5, 2021Август 1, 2023админ Hello everyone! Today we present to you a wonderful dish on the occasion of the holidays, which is a very tasty and ideal
Вкусный способ приготовить лосося. Март 5, 2021Июль 31, 2023админ Marinade Mix the marinade ingredients together in a large bowl. Marinate the salmon pieces and refrigerate for 30 to 60 minutes. In a
Как сделать "Клубничку" сладкой. Март 4, 2021Август 1, 2023админ Hello everyone! Today we will make Strawberry Sweet. It is true that now is the first month of spring for our country, it