Филе говядины (вырезка) с розмариново-шоколадным соусом Март 3, 2021Июль 31, 2023админ A wonderful, beautiful and tasty dish for dinner. “Beef Fillet with Rosemary Chocolate Sauce” Ingredients preparation time: 10 minutes, cooking time: 20 minutes,
Мандарин Маргарита Март 3, 2021Август 1, 2023админ To make Mandarin Margarita we need: Ingredients, For one cup Combine all ingredients in an ice-filled container and shake, then strain into a
Пицца пепперони Март 1, 2021Июль 31, 2023админ Hello everyone! Today we present to you the preparation of pizza with pepperoni and cheese, which is very tasty and fragrant. Yeast: How
Чесночные грибы, фаршированные пармезаном Февраль 28, 2021Август 1, 2023админ Recipe: For 15 servings: Preparation: Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C).Cut off the stems from each mushroom and finely chop them, setting aside the
Մեղրամոմով «Իրիս» Февраль 28, 2021Июль 31, 2023админ Hello everyone! Today we will show you how to make beeswax toffee. It is quite easy, extremely tasty and interesting. For this we
Как сделать буханку хлеба. Февраль 26, 2021Август 1, 2023админ Hello everyone! Today we will prepare a traditional Armenian bread loaf, which has a beautiful appearance, a sweet aroma and an appetizing taste.
Как приготовить тесто для пиццы? Февраль 26, 2021Июль 28, 2023админ We present to you a wonderful recipe, how to make Pizza. First of all, I will present the preparation of the dough and
Торт "Королева" с грецкими орехами и бананами. Февраль 23, 2021Июль 28, 2023админ Hello everyone… Today we present to you a new recipe: cake queen. This cake is made with sponge cake and has a magical
«Овсянка на ночь» — завтрак с овсянкой. Февраль 19, 2021Июль 28, 2023админ This means oats cooked overnight, which is a great breakfast that is very quick to prepare and healthy.First we will take the oats,
Торт "Птичье молоко". Февраль 15, 2021Апрель 9, 2024админ Today we will make a very nice, wonderful, crispy, melting and really charming in its thin form. We have previously shown another recipe