Как приготовить самый вкусный клубничный пирог Октябрь 3, 2021Январь 19, 2023админ Hello everyone…Today we will make a pie with strawberry jam, for which we will prepare a dough Dough: To decorate the face: We
Отличный способ приготовления слоеной пахлавы Сентябрь 25, 2021Март 4, 2023админ Hello everyone… Today we will make puff pastry baklava. Dough: We will leave the dough to increase in volume(rise), then we will knead
Как приготовить самую вкусную пахлаву? Сентябрь 18, 2021Июль 15, 2023админ Hello everyone… Today we are going to make Baklava, which is very popular among the Middle Eastern people. Every nation of that region
Ролл с персиковым джемом Сентябрь 2, 2021Январь 19, 2023админ Hello everyone… Today we will make “Roulette” with peach jam, we have another video and recipe “Roulette” with apricot jam, which are different
Армянская традиционная многослойная гатха. Август 20, 2021Январь 18, 2023админ Hello everyone! Today we will show you how to make traditional Armenian gata from puff pastry. It turns out very crisp with its
Мороженое Шоколадный торт Август 11, 2021Март 6, 2022админ Всем привет! Сегодня мы приготовим шоколадный торт с мороженым, который освежит нас всех в эти жаркие дни.
Торт "Прага" Прага Август 5, 2021Июль 19, 2023админ Hello everyone… Today we will prepare a very beautiful and tasty cake Praga. Now we will present you the recipe and the method
Бисквит: Тайваньский торт Кастелла Июль 23, 2021Июль 15, 2023админ Hello everyone! Today we will present to you a very tasty, Taiwanese Castella sponge cake. Dough: 10 eggs180 g of flour180 g of
Торт "Тирамису" Июль 11, 2021Июль 15, 2023админ Hello everyone! Today we will present to you a new recipe for Tiramisu cake, which has the same taste and a little different
Торт "Тирамису" из итальянской кухни Июль 2, 2021Июль 19, 2023админ July 2, 2021admin Edit Hello everyone! Today we present to you how to make Tiramisu cake, which is very tasty and has a unique