Торт "Тирамису" Июль 11, 2021Июль 15, 2023админ Hello everyone! Today we will present to you a new recipe for Tiramisu cake, which has the same taste and a little different
Торт "Тирамису" из итальянской кухни Июль 2, 2021Июль 19, 2023админ July 2, 2021admin Edit Hello everyone! Today we present to you how to make Tiramisu cake, which is very tasty and has a unique
Гамбургер с куриной грудкой Июнь 26, 2021Июль 18, 2023админ Hello everyone! Today we will prepare a hamburger with chicken breast, which is extremely tasty and very appetizing. We need the following ingredients
Фруктовое мороженое - клубника и малина Июнь 23, 2021Июль 18, 2023админ Hello everyone! You have the S & A recipe with you. Today I will make fruit ice cream, for which we need the
Рецепт шоколадного мороженого Июнь 19, 2021Июль 18, 2023админ Hello everyone. Today we will make raspberry and chocolate ice cream. This version is extremely tasty and very attractive. We will present you
Ананасовый ямайский коктейль и клубничный дайкири Июнь 15, 2021Июль 18, 2023админ Hello everyone! Today we will prepare a variety of cocktails that cool us all and enchant us in the summer heat. We will
Вкусный вариант домашней лазаньи Июнь 11, 2021Июль 19, 2023админ Hello everyone! Today we will present you another version of lasagna, we hope you will like it very much. We present to you
Шоколадный торт "Киндер" Ингредиенты: Июнь 10, 2021Июль 19, 2023админ Chocolate cake “Kinder” Ingredients: For the cookie. For cream. Soak: Chocolate for shine. Cookie ingredients should be at room temperature. 1) Preheat the
Медовик очаровательный и рассыпчатый Июнь 10, 2021Июль 25, 2023админ Hello everyone! Today we will make honey cake. We have several versions of honey cake, each of which is more delicious, soft and
Овощное блюдо "Фасоль и грибы" Июнь 6, 2021Июль 21, 2023админ Hello everyone! Today we will prepare a hot dish with vegetables. Which is obtained with an extraordinary taste, ensures a beautiful appearance and,