Салат с пастой ротини, брокколи и грибами. Июнь 2, 2021Июль 25, 2023админ Hello everyone! Today we will prepare a healthy and nutritious salad that is very tasty and easy to prepare. We will present you
Вкусный хлеб Дока Май 29, 2021Июль 21, 2023админ Hello everyone! Today we will present you the recipe and video of doka bread. We got to know this type of bread a
Мясной и картофельный пирог. Май 25, 2021Июль 24, 2023админ Hello everyone! Today we will make meat and potato pie. I must say that it is very tasty, quick to prepare and we
Две прекрасные версии Аджаракан! Май 21, 2021Июль 23, 2023админ Hello everyone! Today we are going to prepare Acharaka, which is quite a suitable option for breakfast if we have freshly made dough
Торт с муссом "Сникерс" Май 9, 2021Сентябрь 10, 2023админ Hello everyone! Today we present to you a wonderful recipe and a beautiful video of Snickers cake with mousse. Now we will present
Фруктовый торт Май 2, 2021Июль 23, 2023админ Hello everyone! Today we will make an incredibly delicious fruit dessert that is prepared quickly, in a very short period of time. This
Плов с рисом и изюмом Апрель 28, 2021Июль 26, 2023админ Hello everyone! Today we will prepare rice and raisin pilaf for the holidays. I can say that rice is very useful and a
Торт "Клубнично-малиновое сочетание" Апрель 25, 2021Июль 26, 2023админ Hello everyone! Today we will make a cake with strawberry and raspberry combination. Let me say that we get a beautiful, harmonious combination
Салат с ветчиной, кукурузой и брокколи. Апрель 19, 2021Июль 26, 2023админ Hello everyone! Today I will present to you a very tasty, smelling salad, which by the way is very healthy and filling. If
«Салат с помидорами и авокадо» из итальянской кухни. Апрель 17, 2021Июль 26, 2023админ April 17, 2021 admin Edit: Hello everyone! Today I will present you a delicious, healthy and beautiful chopped salad from Italian cuisine. For